Monday, September 9, 2013

Color Scheme Palettes

For this assignment we had to select four pieces of concept art and pick out what possible color schemes were present in each picture. For my first picture I selected an image of a mechanic working on a downed aircraft in some sort of rusty garage. The overall look is very futuristic and would fall under the sci-fi genre. The color in this image in my opinion is about evenly spaced. With certain tones and shades taking over large portions of the picture. In my opinion the red and orange hues in the picture would be the dominate colors, and warm up the whole picture. So there's a lot of cooler colors like blues and greens surrounding the red aircraft that sits at the center of the picture. I think the blue and green help balance out the warmth of the deep red and pale orange of the over head light. In my opinion I think this picture has a tetrad scheme, because the red, green, shades of orange and presence of blue all work together in the overall picture.
For my second image I choose a sci-fi bar scene, where the bartender is a busy robot attending to a bustling mixed crowd of races. The colors in this scene are very bright and harsh, as to mimic club lighting. The dominant color in the this scene I would say is the bright clear blue that surrounding the inside of the bartenders bar. The blue color is very intense and I think the artist tried to balance this out by placing it next to harsh red and orange lights. There are also reoccurring green bottles throughout the scene that I thought the artist may be using as an accent of color against the red and blue. The last two colors to fill the top half of the concept piece are duller shades of purple and pale orange which complement each other. So in my opinion this piece has a mix of split complementary among the red and blues and green, and a common complementary between purple and pale orange.
For my third picture, I choose another sci-fi scene. This time of a plain from another world. In this world the sky and most of the terrain is green, with strange green spores floating through the valley. There are highlights of yellow throughout, hidden within mist and the lights at the center of all the spores. In my opinion there are only shades of green and yellow present. In this case the artist used different shades of yellow and green to get the whole picture done. I know that green is the dominant color present while yellow is used as an accent. Therefore the color scheme here is Analogous, with the main colors being yellow-green and yellow; which sit next to each other on the color wheel.

For my last picture I chose more of a fantasy scene. It reminds me of something you'd find in something like Skyrim. It's a crystal cave that's colored in many different shades of blue. On closer inspection though I discovered that the scene was actually of another world, as there are two faint shapes of moons in the distance. Besides rocky ice like terrain and some spots of sky, there is a lone figure standing in the corner of the picture. His red cape helps him stand out among the blue. Even though the red is present I still consider this picture dominant color to be blue. Throughout the picture there is nothing but shades of blue, compared to the one speck of red in the corner. I believe the overall scheme of the picture is monochromatic where there is only one color being used in different variations of tones and shades.

Color Blending Practice